5.5 Miles Approx. in 32:01 & Spike Solutions...
I ran with Robert this evening around the 'Chavs, Cows & Canal' loop in my Mizuno Wave Aero's. We started it off relatively sedately, and gradually picked up the pace as the run went along, but nothing too severe. We covered the course in 32:01, so its probably shy of 5.5 miles in real terms. My right knee still felt pretty darn good, but started to ache towards the end of the run (about 22 minutes out); nothing compared to what I have been putting up with recently though.I've been trawling the internet for info on spikes at the moment, and I appear to have found the perfect LD spike for me - The Nike Zoom Air Ventulus (or Nike Zoom Air Ventulus Plus). I've found a very decent offer on the first pair, but the Pluses have better reviews (marginally). Whichever pair I go for, I'm still left with lottery that is ordering spikes mail-order & the resultant fitment issues. Thankfully my research threw up this thread on Dyestat Forums which might help me out. However, it does necessitate me making a table (below) of my shoe sizes in various models & makes so I can be best advised by the other forumites -
Also, Rob & I have decided that we might try and get some barefoot running in sometime, maybe on the golf course at dusk. Just short jogs initially, but I've read good things about it on the Dyestat Forums, and it might help to teach me to run more efficiently. Show/Hide this post [+/-]
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